FPSLREB Decisions

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Decision Content

Public Service
Labour Relations Act

Coat of Arms - Armoiries
  • Date:  2007-05-03
  • File:  543-02-1
  • Citation:  2007 PSLRB 44

Before the Public Service Labour Relations Board







Indexed as
Treasury Board v. Association of Justice Counsel

In the matter of an application, under subsection 59(1) of the Public Service Labour Relations Act, for a declaration that a position is a managerial or confidential position


Casper M. Bloom, Q.C., Chairperson

For the Applicant:
Micheline Maisonneuve and Lise Bourgeois-Doré, Treasury Board Secretariat

For the Respondent:
Marisa Pollock, counsel

Decided on the basis of written submissions
filed December 4 and 15, 2006, and April 25, 2007.

Application before the Board

1 On April 1, 2005, the Association of Justice Counsel ("the respondent") filed an application for certification to represent legal officers employed at the Department of Justice (PSLRB File No. 542-02-2).

2 On May 11, 2005, the Treasury Board ("the applicant") filed an application for an order declaring that certain positions affected by the respondent's application for certification are managerial or confidential positions pursuant to section 59 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act ("the Act"). That application was held in abeyance pending decision on the respondent's application for certification.

3 In Association of Justice Counsel et al. v. Treasury Board et al., 2006 PSLRB 45, the Board certified the respondent as the bargaining agent for a bargaining unit comprising "… all lawyers in the LA group for which the Treasury Board is the employer who are not excluded from collective bargaining by law or determination of the Board …" ("the bargaining unit").

4 On December 4, 2006, the respondent and the applicant jointly requested that the Board exercise its powers under section 63 of the Act to declare that any position in the bargaining unit identified in the annex to this decision is a managerial or confidential position, effective December 4, 2006.

5 I see no reason to deny the parties' joint application.

6 For all of the above reasons, the Board makes the following order:


7 Any position identified in the annex to this decision is a managerial or confidential position, effective December 4, 2006.

May 3, 2007.

Casper M. Bloom, Q.C.,

Public Service Labour Relations Board - Commission des relations de travail dans la fonction publique
Managerial or Confidential Positions - Postes de direction ou de confiance
Annex - Annexe
File - Dossier: 543-02-1, 572-02-L2
2007 PSLRB 44 - 2007 CRTFP 44
Department or Agency /Ministère ou organisme: Justice Canada

Position Number Classification Position Title and Description Geographic Location Grounds for Exclusion
Numéro de poste Classification Titre du poste et description Lieu d'occupation Motifs d'exclusion
LONCR5000C (4223) LA-3C Assistant Deputy Attorney General/Sous-Procureur Général Adjoint NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5087C (11584) LA-3B Associate Deputy Attorney General/Sous-Procurerur général adjoint NCR 59 (1)(e)(f)
LONCR5004C (3637) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5601C (1873) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5662C (4236) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocate générale-Gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5654C (4238) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-Gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5665C (1875) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocate générale-Gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)
LOVAN5762C (6601) LA-2B Senior Counsel-Assistant Manager/Avocate principale-Gestionnaire adjointe Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5058C (7053) LA-3B Senior General Counsel-Litigation/Avocat général principal-Litiges NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5088C (8744) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(b)(a)
LONCR5631C (1911) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Conseiller juridique NCR 59 (1)(c)
LOVAN5656C (4147) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Conseillère juridique Vancouver 59 (1)(c)
LONCR5842C (12475) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5366C LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocate générale-Gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5347C (13197) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocate générale-Gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR5348C (13100) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)
LOVAN5660C (2194) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-gestionnaire Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
CMNCR4104C (9960) LA-3A General Counsel-Director/Avocat général-Directrice Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
CMNCR6050C (3693) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR1507C (4486) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR6513C LA-2A Senior Counsel/Avocate principale Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(c)(h)
PLNCR0007C (3532) LA-2A Counsel-Special Advisor/Avocat-Conseiller spécial Ottawa 59 (1)(a)
LTHAL0001C (2379) LA-3B Senior Regional Director/Directeur régional principal Halifax 59 (1)(e)
LTHAL0068C (2433) LA-3A Director-Tax Law Services/Directrice Affaires fiscales Halifax 59 (1)(e)
LTHAL0067C (2432) LA-3A Director, Civil LitigationServices/Directeur Litiges Halifax 59 (1)(e)
LTHAL0050C (2420) LA-3A Director, Federal Prosecutions Services/Directeur, Services fédérales des poursuites Halifax 59 (1)(e)
LOPEI9151C (2186) LA-3A Director, LSU Veterans Affairs/Directeur Anciens combattants Charlottetown 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN1001C (3096) LA-3C Senior Regional Director/Directrice régionale principale Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN2100C (4939) LA-3A Director, Aboriginal Law/Directeur, Droit des autochtones Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN5204C (11141) LA-3A Director, CIPS/Directrice, PCISP Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN3001C (3189) LA-3A Director, Federal Prosecutions Services/Directeur, Services fédérales des poursuites Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(f)
LTVAN5079C (5460) LA-3A Director, Business & Regulatory Litigation/Directrice, Protefeuille du droit des affaires et droit réglementaire Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN4001C (3272) LA-3A Director, Tax Law/Directeur, Droit fiscal Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN5001C (3313) LA-3A Director, Business & Regulatory Advisory Services/Directeur, Protefeuille du droit des affaires et droit réglementaire Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN3223C (4022) LA-3A Director, Law Practice Management/Directrice, gestion d'un cabinet d'avocat Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN2002C (3128) LA-3A Director, Aboriginal Justice Strategy/Directeur, Stratégie relative à la justice applicable aux autochtones Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN5207C (11146) LA-2B Deputy Director, Citizenship & Immigration and Public Safety/Sous-directrice, Citoyenneté et immigration Vancouver 59 (1)(e)
LTVAN45150C (8234) LA-2B Deputy Director, Business & Regulatory Litigation/Sous-directrice, Portefeuille du droit des affaires et du droit réglementaire Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTVAN3998C (3196) LA-2B Deputy Director Federal Prosecution Services/Sous-directrice, Service fédéral des pursuites Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTVAN3229C (4938) LA-2B Manager, Provincial Court, Federal Prosecution Services/Gestionnaire, Cour provinciale, Service fédéral des poursuites Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTVAN2050C (3172) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat Vancouver 59 (1)(c)
LTVAN4086C (8253) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat Vancouver 59 (1)(c)
LTVAN2262C (12467) LA-2B Deputy Director, Aboriginal Law/Sous-directeur, droit des autochtones Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTVAN2131C (6270) LA-2B Associate Director, INAC Advisory Services/Directeur adjoint AINC Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTVAN2187C (8247) LA-2B Associate Director/Directeur Adjoint Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTVAN2186C (8245) LA-2B Associate Director/Directeur Adjoint Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
SASP0019C (11762) LA-3A Associate Senior Regional Director/Directeur Adjoint régional principal Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTVAN4071C (6291) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Vancouver 59 (1)(e)(g)
LONCR9325C (7146) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat principal Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONBW7252C (5031) LA-2B Senior Counsel & Director/Avocat principal et directeur Moncton 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9308C (6680) LA-3C ADM/SMA NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9196C (4168) LA-3A LSU Director of Legal Services/Directrice services juridiques NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR7315C (6351) LA-2B Director, DLSU-CEDQ/Directeur, SJM Montréal 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9208C (4498) LA-3A General Counsel, Head of CFIA Legal Services/Avocate générale, ACIA services juridiques NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9002C (4847) LA-2A Counsel, CFIA Legal Services/Avocate, ACIA services juridiques NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9417C (10911) LA-2A Counsel, CFIA Legal Services/Avocate, ACIA services juridiques Moncton 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7035C (1640) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal Gatineau 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9200C (4490) LA-3A General Counsel and Director, CNSC LSU/Avocat général et Directeur des services juridiques CNSC Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7173C (1672) LA-3B Director & Senior General Counsel/Directeur et Avocat général principal Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7316C (6350) LA-2B Director/Directeur St-Hubert 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9042C (1686) LA-3A Director Legal Services/Directeur services légaux NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7253C (5299) LA-3B Legal Advisor of DND/Conseiller légal DN NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7272C (5388) LA-3A Deputy Legal Advisor/Sous conseiller légal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7048C (1797) LA-3A General Counsel & Director/Avocat général et directeur Ottawa 59 (1)(b)(e)
LONCR7011C (2070) LA-3A General Counsel & Director/Avocat général et directeur NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7068C (1990) LA-2B Senior Counsel & Head NRC/Avocat principal et Chef NRC NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR7074C (1755) LA-3A General Counsel & Manager NRCan Legal Services/Avocat général et Gestionnaire des services légaux NRCan NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR7144C (2128) LA-3B Senior General Counsel and Head/Avocat général principal et chef NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9068C (1835) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9044C (1765) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal Gatineau 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9156C (1735) LA-3B Head & Senior General Counsel/Chef et Avocat général principal Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9301C (6347) LA-3A Deputy Head & General Counsel/Sous-Chef et avocat général Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9305C (6346) LA-2B Group Head/Chef de groupe Gatineau 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9005C (4944) LA-3A Group Head/Chef de groupe Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR7093C (2105) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal Gatineau 59 (1)(e)
LONCR7174C (1941) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9082C (1849) LA-3B Director, Senior General Counsel/Directeur, Avocat général principal NCR  59(e)
LONCR9389C (10256) LA-3A Associate Director, General Counsel/Sous-Directrice, Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9092C (1863) LA-2B Team Leader, Senior Counsel/Chef d'équipe, Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)(e)
LONCR9411C (11325) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Winnipeg 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9443C (11644) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9428C (11166) LA-2B Senior Counsel, Deputy Head, CFIA Legal Services/Avocat principal, ACIA services juridiques NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7014C (2130) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7037C (1642) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9225C (5211) LA-2B Senior CounselAvocat principal Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7446C (11092) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9348C (8331) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7273C (5749) LA-2B Director/Directeur NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7514C (12411) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7337C (6700) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7458C (11352) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7342C (6901) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7053C (1799) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7057C (1804) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7235C (4787) LA-2A Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7493C (12710) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR0114C (4615) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9362C (9598) LA-2B Senior Counsel-Manager/Avocat principal-Gestionnaire Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9233C (6128) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9221C (4843) LA-2B Senior Counsel-Manager/Avocat principal-Gestionnaire Ottawa 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9431C (12682) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général Gatineau 59 (1)(f)
LONCR9046C (1768) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9050C (1772) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONC9164C (1742) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9171C (1850) LA-3A Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7108C (2108) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7359C (8050) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9324C (7094) LA-2A Legal Counsel & Executive Assistant/Avocat-conseil/adjointe exécutive NCR 59 (1)(g)
LONCR9088C (1857) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9465C (12453) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9060C (1785) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9401C (12950) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9425C (11367) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7274C (5786) LA-2B Director/Directeur NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9386C (10199) LA-3B Senior General Counsel & Deputy Head/Avocat général principal et Sous-chef NCR 59 (1)(c)(e)
LONCR7275C (10080) LA-2B Director/Directeur NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR7294C (5724) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7058C (1806) LA-2A Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7504C (12331) LA-2B Senior Counsel-Team Leader/Avocat principal-Chef d'équipe NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9384C (10503) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9530C (13309) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR7244C (5786) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9197C (4188) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat Gatineau 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8000C (1593) LA-3C Assistant Deputy Minister/Sous-ministre adjoint NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR8067C (5067) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR8001C (1811) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR8011C (1831) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR8015C (1821) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR8025C (2012) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR1849C (6825) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8030T (2018) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8092C (12705) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8028C (2016) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8026C (2014) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8029C (2017) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8064C (5202) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8063C (4818) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(a)(d)(g)
LONCR8091C (13343) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(d)(g)
LONCR8084C (8299) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR8058C (1653) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8101C (7684) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR1851C (6827) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR8068C (5234) LA-01 Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8027C (2015) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR8113C (13402) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
SAPP-00001 LA-3B Assistant Deputy Minister/Sous-ministre adjoint NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR4000C (4193) LA-3C Assistant Deputy Attorney General/Sous-Procureur Général Adjoint NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR4023C (2585) LA-3A Director & General Counsel/Directeur et Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR4055C (4940) LA-3B Director & Senior General Counsel/Directeur et Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR4158C (12438) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
CFNCR4866C (10159) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9124C (2061) LA-3A Head/Chef NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9102C (1703) LA-3A Head/Chef NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9399C (10618) LA-2B Head/Chef NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9140C (2059) LA-3B Head/Chef NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR9114C (3954) LA-3A Head/Chef NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR4122C (10891) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(e)
LONCR4104C (12499) LA-2A Special Advisor & Legal Counsel/Conseiller spécial et conseiller juridique NCR 59 (1)(g)
LONCR9111C (1713) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR9143C (2062) LA-2A Legal CounselAvocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR9149C (2068) LA-2A Legal CounselAvocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR4016C (4044) LA-2A Legal CounselAvocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR4007C (1719) LA-2A Legal CounselAvocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR2000C (2466) LA-3C Assistant Deputy Attorney General/Sous-Procureur Général Adjoint NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR2200C (2473) LA-3B Senior General Counsel & Director General/Avocat général principal et Directeur général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR2221C (2494) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR1710C (6394) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR6026C (11431) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR2213C (2486) LA-2A Legal CounselAvocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR2300C (6392) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(f)
LONCR2301C (6393) LA-3B Senior General Counsel & Deputy ADAG/Avocat général principal et sous ADAG NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)(e)(g)
LONCR2307C (6876) LA-3B Senior General Counsel and Director/Avocat général principal et directeur NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR2314C (9017) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR2339C (13127) LA-2B Senior Counsel and Director/Avocat principal et directeur NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
LONCR2502C (2458) LA-2B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)(g)
DMNCR0001C (5737) LA-3A Senior Advisor/Conseiller principal Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
CMNCR5013C (11780) LA-3B Senior General Counse-Executive Director/Avocat général principal et directeur exécutif Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
CMNCR4011C (861) LA-3A Corporate Counsel/Avocat corporatif Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR1061C (4091) LA-3B Executive Director/Directrice exécutive Ottawa 59 (1)(b)(e)
CMNCR7547T (10890) LA-2B National Legal Execellence Program Coordinator/Coordonateur d'éducation juridique NCR 59 (1) (c)(d)(e)
CMNCR5315C (8181) LA-3A General Counsel-Director General/Avocat général-Directeur général Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR0113C (4614) LA-2A Legal CounselAvocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(a)
DSNCR0006C (11192) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)
SAPP-00002 LA-3B Vice-President/Vice-Président NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR4054C (5106) LA-2B Departmental Policy Advisor/Conseiller ministériel en politique Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
MSNCR0025C (589) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
MSNCR0044C (10114) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
DMNCR0002C (1527) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
DMNCR0014C (4934) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
DMNCR0025C (8664) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
LONCR0125C (5464) LA-3A Senior Practitionner/Généraliste principal Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
CENCR0206C (581) LA-2A Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
MSNCR0028C (5593) LA-2A Counsel and Chef/Avocat et chef Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(e)(g)
MSNCR0047C (10850) LA-01 Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
MSNCR0060C (12958) LA-01 Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
MSNCR0056C (12537) LA-01 Legal Counsel/Avocat conseil Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
LONCR0010C (2456) LA-3C Associate Chief General Counsel/Sous Chef avocat général Ottawa 59 (1)(a)(g)
LONCR3000C (2534) LA-3C Assistant Deputy Attorney General/Sous-Procureur Général Adjoint Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR3002C (2536) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal Ottawa 59 (1)(e)(f)
LONCR3046C (4065) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR3001C (2535) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
LONCR3076C (4502) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal Ottawa 59 (1)(a)
LONCR3015C (2549) LA-3A Head, International Assistance Group/Chef, groupe d'entraide international Ottawa 59 (1)(a)
LONCR3089C (5699) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général Ottawa 59 (1)(a)
LONCR3232C (13342) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-gestionnaire Ottawa 59 (1)(a)
SLNCR2002C (3814) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(g)
SLNCR2103C (3745) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(g)
SLNCR2211C (3836) LA-2A Legislative Counsel/Avocat législatif NCR 59 (1)(g)
SLNCR2201C (10790) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(g)
SLNCR4400C (6770) LA-3A Comparative Law Specialist/Spécialiste du droit comparé NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR4500C (3766) LA-2B Chief, Jurilinguist & Legislative Counsel/Jurilinguiste en chef et conseiller législatif NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR1000C (3732) LA-3C Chief Legislative Counsel/Chef et conseiller législatif NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR2003C (4088) LA-3B Deputy Chief, Legislative Counsel/Sous-Chef, conseiller législatif NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR2101C (10783) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-Gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR2200C (10778) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR2400C (10779) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR2500C (10780) LA-3A General Counsel-Manager/Avocat général-gestionnaire NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR3000C (6769) LA-3A Director/Directeur NCR 59 (1)(d)(e)(g)
SLNCR4000C (5841) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
SLNCR2230C (6441) LA-2A Legislative Counsel/Avocat législatif NCR 59 (1)(a)(g)
LONCR0001C (9956) LA-3B Senior Regional Director/Directeur régional principal Whitehorse/              Vancouver 59 (1)(b)(e)
LTYKN00001C (3434) LA-3A Regional Director/Directeur régional Yellowknife 59 (1)(b)(e)
LTNUN00001C (5394) LA-3A Regional Director/Directeur régional Iqaluit 59 (1)(b)(e)
LTWHT00001C (3360) LA-3A Regional Director/Directeur régional Whitehorse 59 (1)(b)(e)
LTNUN0021C (11492) LA-2B Director/Directeur Iqaluit 59 (1)(e)
LTYKN0051C (3470) LA-2B Director/Directeur Yellowknife 59 (1)(e)
LTWHT0037C (8431) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Whitehorse 59 (1)(e)
LTYKN0117C (10948) LA-2B Director/Directeur Yellowknife 59 (1)(e)
LTTOR6000C (2724) LA-3B Senior Regional Director/Directeur régional principal Toronto 59 (1)(c)
LTTOR6016C (4302) LA-3B Deputy Regional Director-Senior General Counsel/Directrice adjointe associée régionale-Avocate générale principale Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR6029C (8745) LA-3B Deputy Regional Director-Senior General Counsel/Directrice adjointe associée régionale-Avocate générale principale Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR6027C (9644) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat conseil principal Toronto 59 (1)(g)
LTTOR2201C (4269) LA-3A Director, Regulatory/Directeur, droit réglementaire Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR4000C (3006) LA-3A Director, Tax Law Services/Directeur, affaires fiscales Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR2058C (2807) LA-3A Director, Immigration/Directrice, immigration Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR2200C (4268) LA-3A Director, Aboriginal & Public Law/Directrice, antochtone et droit public Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR3000C (2905) LA-3A Director, FPS, Directeur, service fédéral des poursuites Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR5048C (4270) LA-3A Director, Business/Directeur, droit des affaires Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR6021C (6398) LA-2B Director, Professional Development/Directrice, développement professionnel Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR1112C (10815) LA-2B Director, Policy & Programs/Directrice, politique et programme Toronto 59 (1)(d)(g)
LTTOR9037C (11416) LA-2B Deputy Director, Regulatory/Directeur adjoint, droit réglementaire Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR3236C (11475) LA-2B Deputy Director, FPS/Directeur adjoint, poursuite pénales Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR3237C (11476) LA-2B Deputy Director, FPS/Directeur adjoint, poursuite pénales Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR5130C (12207) LA-2B Deputy Director, Business/Directrice adjointe, droit des affaires Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR4087C (4941) LA-2B Deputy Director, Tax Law Services/Directrice adjointe, service des affaires fiscales Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR8001C (4942) LA-2B Deputy Director, Immigration/Directrice adjointe, Immigration Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR2254C (11282) LA-2B Deputy Director, Aboriginal & Public Law/Directeur adjoint, autochtone et droit public Toronto 59 (1)(e)(g)
LONCR3016C (2919) LA-3A Deputy Director, FPS General Counsel/Directrice adjointe et avocate générale, poursuite pénales NCR 59 (1)(e)(g)
LTTOR5136C  LA-01 Counsel/Avocat Toronto 59 (1)(c)
LTTOR2249C (8518) LA-2A Counsel, Public Law/Conseiller juridique, droit public Toronto 59 (1)(c)(g)
LTTOR2233C (5116) LA-2A Counsel, Public Law/Conseiller juridique, droit public Toronto 59 (1)(c)(g)
LTTOR8006C (5122) LA-2A Counsel, Public Law/Conseiller juridique, droit public Toronto 59 (1)(c)(g)
LTTOR2166C (2878) LA-2A Counsel, Public Law/Conseiller juridique, droit public Toronto 59 (1)(c)(g)
LTTOR5110C (9616) LA-01 Counsel/Conseillère juridique Toronto 59 (1)(c)(g)
LTTOR2015C (2773) LA-2A Counsel, Public Law/Conseiller juridique, droit public Toronto 59 (1)(c)(g)
PONCR3008C (12540) LA-3C Senior Assistant Deputy Minister/Sous-ministre adjoint principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
PONCR4710C (11084) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
PONCR3401C (1382) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(e)
PONCR3010C (5347) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(d)(e)(g)
INNCR0004C (10319) LA-3A National Executive Director/Directeur exécutif national NCR 59 (1)(e)
PONCR4765C (9059) LA-3A General Counsel-Director General/Avocate générale-Directrice générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR8600C (8310) LA-3A General Counsel-Director of Operations/Avocat général-Directeur des opérations NCR 59 (1)(g)
CSNCR4104C (1381) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocate générale principale NCR 59 (1)(e)
DMNCR0031N (11223) LA-3C Head, International Corporation Group/Chef, groupe corporatif international NCR 59 (1)(g)
LTEDM1900C (4225) LA-3C Senior Regional Director/Directeur régional principal Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTWPG0004C (3387) LA-3A Regional Director/Directeur régional Winnipeg 59 (1)(e)
LTSAS0001C (2679) LA-3A Regional Director/Directeur régional Saskatoon 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM1024C (6614) LA-3A Regional Director/Directeur régional Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM2016C (4943) LA-3A Director/Directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM2000C (2273) LA-3A Director/Directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM3000C (2291) LA-3A Director/Directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM4000C (2318) LA-3A Director/Directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTCLG3017C (4346) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Calgary 59 (1)(e)
LTCLG8015C (12279) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Calgary 59 (1)(e)
LTSAS0202C (12338) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général Saskatoon 59 (1)(a)(c)(g)
LTEDM8014C (12286) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM7012C (7103) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM2080C (12285) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTEDM2082C (12339) LA-2B Senior Counsel-Team Leader/Avocat principal-Chef d'équipe Edmonton 59 (1)(c)(e)(g)
LTEDM2083C (12340) LA-2B Senior Counsel-Team Leader/Avocat principal-Chef d'équipe Edmonton 59 (1)(c)(e)(g)
LTEDM4029C (10941) LA-2B Deputy Director/Sous-directeur Edmonton 59 (1)(e)
LTSAS0002C (2681) LA-2B Director/Directeur Saskatoon 59 (1)(e)
LTSAS0106C (6723) LA-2B Director/Directeur Saskatoon 59 (1)(e)
LTSAS0125C (10943) LA-2B Director/Directeur Saskatoon 59 (1)(e)
LTSAS0194C (11946) LA-2B Director/Directeur Saskatoon 59 (1)(e)
LTWPG0042C (3417) LA-2B Director/Directeur Winnipeg 59 (1)(e)
LTWPG0101C (4348) LA-2B Director/Directeur Winnipeg 59 (1)(e)
LTWPG0033C (3410) LA-2B Director/Directeur Winnipeg 59 (1)(e)
LTWPG0098C (4937) LA-2B Director/Directeur Winnipeg 59 (1)(e)
LTWPG0222C (12343) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal Winnipeg 59 (1)(g)
LTWPG0100C (4295) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général Winnipeg 59 (1)(a)(g)
LTWPG0221C (12306) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général Winnipeg 59 (1)(a)(g)
LONCR6001C (4153) LA-3B Chief, Legal Counsel/Chef, avocat conseil NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR6012C (5153) LA-2A Counsel/avocate NCR 59 (1)(g)
LONCR6101C (4128) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR6301C (3578) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR6427C (3696) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR6501C (3607) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR7131C (1960) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
PONCR3516C (3659) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
PONCR3524C (6305) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
PONCR3542C (8300) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(e)
LONCR6313C (3591) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocate conseil NCR 59 (1)(g)
LONCR6431C (3701) LA-2B Senior Counseil/Avocate conseil NCR 59 (1)(g)
CLMTL1000C (0050) LA-3B Directrice régionale principale/Senior Regional Director Montréal 59 (1)(e)
CLMTL1096C (5696) LA-3A Conseillère spéciale/Senior Counsel Montréal 59 (1)(g)
CLMTL4011C (389) LA-3A Directeur, direction des affaires fiscales/Director Tax Litigation Montréal 59 (1)(e)
CLMTL2268C (10676) LA-3A Directrice, Direction de l'Immigration/Director, Immigration Law Montréal 59 (1)(e)
CLMTL2269C (11181) LA-3A Directrice, Direction du droit réglementaire/Director, Regulatory Law Montréal 59 (1)(e)
CLMTL3000C (307) LA-3A Directeur du service fédéral des poursuites/Director, Federal Prosecution Services Montréal 59 (1)(e)
CLMTL1170C (11824) LA-2A Chef de Cabinet/Chief of Staff Montréal 59 (1)(e)(g)(h)
CLNCR6003C (11064) LA-3A Directeur, Litiges autochtones/Director, Aboriginal Affairs Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
CLMTL2019C (122) LA-2A Conseiller juridique/Lawyer Montréal 59 (1)(c)
CLMTL2036C (6637) LA-2A Conseillère juridique/Lawyer Montréal 59 (1)(c)
CLMTL2098C (6992) LA-2B Juriste expert/Senior Counsel Montréal 59 (1)(c)
CLNCR6002C (11182) LA-3A Ditrectrice Droit commercial/Director, Commercial Law Ottawa 59 (1)(e)
CLMTL2174C (6638) LA-2A Conseillère juridique/Lawyer Montréal 59 (1)(c)
CLMTL2317C (12449) LA-2A Conseillère juridique/Lawyer Montréal 59 (1)(c)
CLMTL2258C (10213) LA-3B Avocat général principal/Senior General Counsel Montréal 59 (1)(a)(d)
CLMTL4087C (8388) LA-3B Avocat général principal/Senior General Counsel Montréal 59 (1)(a)(d)
CLNCR1002C (469) LA-3B Avocat général principal/Senior General Counsel Ottawa 59 (1)(a)
CLMTL2256C (10303) LA-3B Avocat général principal/Senior General Counsel Montréal 59 (1)(a)
CLMTL2000C (103) LA-3B Avocat général principal/Senior General Counsel Montréal 59 (1)(a)
LONCR1801C (2019) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(e)
LONCR1059C (4089) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(a)(d)(e)
LONCR1000C (2627) LA-3C ADAG Tax Law/SPGA droit fiscal NCR 59 (1)(a)(d)(e)
LONCR1082C (6928) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(e)
LONCR1061C (4091) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocate générale principale NCR 59 (1)(a)(d)(e)
LONCR1814C (2032) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR1832C (2042) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR1834C (2044) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR1817C (7996) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(c)
LONCR2504C (2460) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(d)(e)
LONCR1081C (6852) LA-2B Senior Counsel-Senior Advisor to the ADAG/Avocat principal-Conseillère principale SPGA NCR 59 (1)(a)(d)
LONCR8031C (2159) LA-3B Senior General Counsel/Avocat général principal NCR 59 (1)(A)(c)(d)
LONCR8032C (2160) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocate générale NCR 59 (1)(A)(c)(d)
LONCR8048C (2177) LA-3A General Counsel/Avocat général NCR 59 (1)(A)(c)(d)
LONCR8008C (1818) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)(e)
LONCR8010C (1820) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8036C (2164) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8038C (2166) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8039C (2167) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8040C (2169) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocate principale NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8043C (2172) LA-2A Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1) (c)(e)
LONCR8044C (2173) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8047C (2176) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8050C (2179) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8053C (2181) LA-01 Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8056C (2185) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8060C (4272) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocate principale NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8065C (5480) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocate principale NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8066C (5478) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8071C (5542) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)(e)
LONCR8033C (2161) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8034C (2162) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)(e)
LONCR8041C (2170) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8051C (2180) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8052C (2181) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocat principal NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8072C (6120) LA-01 Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8078C (7191) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocate principale NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8080C (6597) LA-01 Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8081C (6894) LA-01 Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8085C (11906) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8108C (10671) LA-2B Senior Counsel/Avocate principale NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8069C (5767) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8114C (13425) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1)(a)(c)
LONCR8046C (2175) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1)(a)
LONCR8049C (2178) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8055C (2184) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1)(A)(c)
(d) (e)(f)(g)(h)
LONCR8095C (12994) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8096C LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8097C (12997) LA-2A Counsel/Avocat NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8098C (12998) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8099C (12999) LA-2A Counsel/Avocate NCR 59 (1) (c)
LONCR8117C LA-00 Articling Student/Étudiant NCR 59 (1) (c)
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.